Problem Statement:
During the Covid pandemic we have been stuck in our homes for many days on end and therefore spend much more time with our furry friends. But nowadays, thanks to vaccination, we go back to our routine life. As a result, our pets will be alone at home again for a long time and may experience anxiety and loneliness because of his/her owner's absence.

Fido is an interactive treat dispenser pet toy armed with mini Bluetooth waterproof speaker. It can connect to Wi-Fi and allow the owners to call it and talk to their furry child while they are not at home. When the owners call this product, it will automatically get connected and their pets can hear his/her voice so the owner can engage their pet to reward them with some treats via playing with it. It simulates your dog’s mind and entertains your pets for hours so they are no longer bored and depressed.

In this project, I sketched the visual storyboarding, modeled three selective concepts as well as final concept by Solidworks software and rendered all of them with KeyShot software.